DMD v3 Wallet Masternode on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

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Dmd v3 wallet masternode on raspberry pi 2 model b

(version: 1.0.1 - 15.10.2017 - pazor)


I rewrite the tutorial from Christian (BitSend).


The compiling of the needed file for the DMD wallet/master node takes about 1.5/2h until done.

The PI2 has an ARM kernel. So just downloading the 32bit version just doesnt cut it....


1.A raspberry Pi 2 model B

2.10000 DMD

3.Unlimited data from your ISP

4.A stable highspeed internetconnection with a fixed IP address

5.Know your way around your router OR learn how to

6.SDcard class 10


8.Basic skills in Linux / Compiling


(Do both tests before continuing)

Test 1:

go to and take note of your IP. Then pull the plug on your modem, wait a bit and replug. Check the page again. If the same IP then good!

Test 2:: Take note of IP address and wait 24h and check again. If the same IP then good!


Running a Masternode on a PI2 is hardly tested for a longer period of time. Besides, they just got out. Mine is running 24/7 at this moment with no issues, but i cannot guarantee yours will too. So i will take no responsibility for what ever happens to yours. As with the crypto-scene, its highy experimental! At your own risk.



Grab gear

Take a grab in your hardware box and take out a micro SHcard class 10 and a cardreader, or buy these. These puppies are cheap so grab a large one. I got a 32gb, for lateral future use also. Even cameras take these. Be sure it fits in your cardreader, else dont forget an SD-adapter. They are usually in the package of the product.

For example


Grab Operating System

Head to to download the RASPBIAN lite image Jessie (Debian 8). Unpack the file to whatever dir you like. Dont use older ones because they dont run on the PI2. The latest RASPBIAN (Stretch, Debian 9) uses some new libraries that could issue some compiling errors.


Flash OS to sdcard

Head to and follow the tutorial to get the downloaded and unpacked image (.img file) on the sdcard. I did the Windows tutorial. After you have flashed the IMG-file to the card put it in your pi2. Be carefully, its a delicate slot.



Hook up the Pi2 to your router with an ethernet cable. We do want a stable connection so no wifi.

Then hookup it up to a powersupply (i got it running on a 1,5Amps phonecharger. Just dont go hooking all sorts of USB on it because then you might need more amps.)

Your pi2 is now booting the operating system you just flashed to the SDcard.


Fetching the IP

On Windows press windowsbutton+R. type 'cmd' and press enter. You enter a DOS box. type IPCONFIG and press enter. Scroll up a bit till you see Standard Gateway. Take note of the IP. 99% of the time it starts with or


Config your router

Start your browser and enter that IP. You will now see your router's website. Enter login + password (sticker on router?)

In the menu's somewhere there is a list of connected devices. They all have a IPaddress. Take note of the one called RASPBERRY.

Somewhere in the menus of your router you can do a DHCP reservation for the IP address of the PI2. This means everytime the PI2 boots it gets the same IPaddress. Thats what we want. We dont want it to change. Dunno your router so cannot help on this one :( Check manual or do a search on it. You should find some other tutorials.)

Now also somewhere in the menu of the router there is a NAT or PORT FORWARD menu. Enter the IPaddress of the PI2 and open port 17771. Usally by just filling all portboxes with 17771, IN / OUT etc. Maybe you just have one box to put it in.

Save the config of the router and reboot it. (also in the menus somewhere)

You are now re-routes internet traffic on port 17771 (the DMD p2p port) to your Pi2.

Check and fill in port 17771 to find it open.


Putty for a terminalconnection

Now head to your desktop and download putty at Take the top one Intel x86/32bit is fine.

Drag it to your desktop and start it. Enter the IPaddress of the pi at the Host Name, fill Masternode or whatever at Saved Sessions and press Save. That way you can easily load it again. Press Open.

Now you see a black box with a prompt. Enter 'pi' as login and 'raspberry' as password. You then see a green with blue prompt.

8a. Setup the PI2

Now we are gonna setup the PI2 just a little bit before continuing. From now on, whenever you see a single quoted line then thats a command. Type it (without the quote mark) and hit enter.


sudo raspi-config

You are shown a simple menu. We are gonna do options 1 2 and 3. Use the arrows and tab to navigate.

1.Expand the filesystem so it uses the whole 32gb of the SDcard

2.Change the password of the user pi. Make a strong password like you do so, is your Diamond wallet.

3.Make it boot to command-line. So that way we safe some ram by not loading the desktop enviroment we will not be using at all.

I forgot, if it reboots automaticly or manually. If manual, then:


sudo reboot

Putty will give an error it has lost connection. Reopen Putty and log in again after 1min. Remember you got a new password for the user 'pi'.

8b. Change root password and change username pi

Next we change the root password to something strong as well. Choose a long one:


sudo passwd

Close putty and login with user 'root'

Change username 'pi' to your loginname 'NEW'


sudo usermod -l NEW -d /home/NEW -m pi
sudo chown NEW /home/NEW

Close putty and login as user root again.

8c. Add a 2GB Swap file

edit the /etc/dphys-swapfile and change the swap size:



Turn swap on


sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

Reboot the Pi and check the memory with


free -m


Download and install the needed packages

Login as user root again.

At the prompt type the following commands in this order to fully update the pi and get it ready for compiling. Press yes to all when asked.


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf libminiupnpc-dev pkg-config libboost-all-dev libssl-dev joe ufw git libdb5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev

Just copy the whole thing and rightclick mouse in the putty screen. If it fails do one by one as written down here:


# sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf
# sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev
# sudo apt-get install pkg-config
# sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
# sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
# sudo apt-get install joe
# sudo apt-get install ufw
# sudo apt-get install git
# sudo apt-get install libdb5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev

there is maybe one too much in the list but this does the job for sure (maybe somebody can tell me which one is not needed, I grabbed them from different tutorials.)


Config the Firewall

We are going to configure the firewall on the PI2 you just installed to block all ports except port 22(for putty) and 17771(for masternode):


sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp
sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp
sudo ufw allow 17771/tcp
sudo ufw logging on
sudo ufw enable

Again reboot and again use putty to get back:


sudo reboot

Check your firewall's status by entering the following command:


sudo ufw status

It should say active.


Preparing the build



You will see a empty directory

We are now gonna download the newest whole DIAMOND source from which we will compile the file needed to run the diamond wallet (daemon), diamondd


git clone

there should be now a directory Diamond


now we build the Berkley DB 4.8 binaries


cd Diamond
# Pick some path to install BDB to, here we create a directory within the diamond directory
mkdir -p $BDB_PREFIX
# Fetch the source and verify that it is not tampered with
wget ''
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
# -> db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz: OK
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
# Build the library and install to our prefix
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
# Note: Do a static build so that it can be embedded into the exectuable, instead of having to find a .so at runtime
../dist/configure --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic --prefix=$BDB_PREFIX
make install
# Configure DMD Core to use our own-built instance of BDB
./configure --enable-cxx --disable-shared --without-gui LDFLAGS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include/ -O2"


compiling the source

after the successfull run of configure you can start now the compiling by using make. if you want to accelarate you can acivate more then one core by using make -jX (where X is 1 to 4). i used 2 cores

'make' or 'make -j2'

Go outside and do something healthy and check back in 2h.

NOTE1: This will take lots of time and gives errors about arm6 and arm7. Ignore it, let it run. Be aware that closing Putty stops the build so leave it open.


Checking stuff 'n setting up

you are still in the Diamond folder.

Now we install the Diamond wallet by:


make install

every compiled/builded binary will now installed into /usr/local/bin

return to /root by entering



We need to make a configfile in there with an commandprompt file-editor Joe, which you installed earlier:


joe diamond.conf

Type the following in the empty editor or paste this with just a rightmousebuttonclick in the putty screen.



Hit CONTROL - K then CONTROL - X to save and exit Joe.

we need to make a masternode file also, by typing:


joe masternode.conf

type the following

Masternode1 yourStaticIPaddress:17771 masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

Hit CONTROL - K then CONTROL - X to save and exit Joe.

For added security, it is recommended to make this file "Read Only" so no one can change it:


chmod 444 masternode.conf diamond.conf

NOTE1: rpcuser and rpcpassword can be anything, you DONT have to remember them later. Only use letters and numbers.

NOTE2: Check and recheck. it usually goes wrong here with a typo.

To preset some settings to make it work we make a directory called .DMDV3 and enter it with:


mkdir .DMDV3
cd .DMDV3

NOTE: this is the workingdirectory of the masternode. Its there, but hidden.

make symbolic links to the both files in the working directory for easy usage


ln -s /root/diamond.conf diamond.conf
ln -s /root/masternode.conf masternode.conf

Leave the dir one up back to your home directory:


cd ..


Lets fire it up for the first time

Run your diamond daemon for the first time:


You will see the message like "Server Starting". It will now startup and configure itself. Also it will go download the blockchain. This will take some time, and only happens once. Check if files are being made with:


cd .DMDV3

(check if there is more then that config file you made earlier made)


cd ..

Fire up another putty and at prompt check its progress with:



The CPU is 100% all the time. When its done it is just about 10%:

When done, close the second putty and return to the first one and check stats:


diamond-cli getinfo

Check the blockcount and check if its the same at See blockheight. If its the same and cpu diamondd is max 10% all the time you know its done.


Linking it to your local wallet on your desktop pc.


We are now gonna make a private key so your masternode and local wallet can talk to eachother:


diamond-cli masternode genkey

NOTE: Dont worry, this is not a key to get to your 10000 diamond. They are still safe in your local wallet protected with its own privatekey.

Select the generated string with your mouse. You dont need to copy it. Dragging mouse copies it automaticly.

Stop the the masternode and enter the hidden .DMDV3 directory again and edit the configfile:


diamond-cli stop
cd .DMDV3
joe diamond.conf

Delete the long XXXXXXX-string and paste the string with a right mousebutton click on the putty screen. Also change masternode=0 to masternode=1 and save n quit with CONTROL - K then CONTROL - X

enter the XXXXXXX-string to the masternode configuration file too


joe masternode.conf

After leave the dir again to your home directory.


cd ..


Starting your masternode permanently!

Restart the deamon and wait for it to idle (remember, you can check with another putty with command 'top' remember?, again takes a bit of time)



Useful commands to check if your masternode is running ok:


diamond-cli masternode status

Check version number and block count vs website


diamond-cli masternode debug

It should say: masternode successfully started.

If anything else its NOT working ok. use this only if you end this tutorial.


diamond-cli masternode list | grep collateral_output_txid

Check if your ip is red and the line ends with a 1 like: "YOUREXTERNALIPADDRESS:17771" : 1. Then you know its connectes and seen on the network.


for currently configuring the masternode please read also the masternodeguides of cryptonid or ask on the DMD Slack forum for support.

collateral_output_txid is the transaction id of the transaction where the 10000 DMD deposit sended to your masternode wallet

collateral_output_index is the index of the deposit transaction

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